Take a look at this book that shows tropical fish from around the world. They are very nice drawings the artist have made and look worthy of prints to adorn the walls of any home. From time to time we find artists that bring exceptional work and this is one of them. Flick Ford does a great job at it.
You can get an online view of this book here: WILD: 75 Freshwater Tropical Fish of the World
From the Press Release
WILD: 75 Freshwater Tropical Fish of the World, a stunning celebration of the world’s most beautiful
wild freshwater fish from the most beautiful places on earth – the tropics. These never-before-published
watercolor macro-detailed portraits and text by the master of natural history fish painting, Flick Ford,
make an upscale guide for the naturalist and hobbyist, a tool for the educator and conservationist, but
most of all foster an appreciation of the beauty of the wild fish that gave rise to the second largest hobby
in the world.
This is not your average ornamental fish book. Each exquisite portrait is accompanied by its
fascinating natural life history, conservation status in the wild, recommendations for creating a more
natural aquaria habitat, fishkeeping tips by experts including hobbyists and professional breeders, as
well as conservation organizations that encourage the reader to learn more about tropical fish and
tropical habitat.
The dazzling, detailed paintings tell a tale at once celebratory, and cautionary since man’s impact on
the natural world is an underlying theme in Ford’s ambition to capture in paint the fish of the world.
This is a precious book for everyone who appreciates natural beauty featuring fish that are truly living
aquatic gems.
About the Artist/Author: Flick Ford studied art for ten years and then dove into New York Indie film,
publishing, illustration and music. Since the early 1990s he has been painting fish. Concern about the
effects of pollution, over-development, and acid rain in the northeast inspired him to keep a record of the
fish he caught. Ford lives in Putnam County, New York. He fishes more than 100 days a year, ties his
own flies, and maintains an aquarium/riparium with native fish and plants.
About Mo Devlin: An avid aquarist and aquatic photographer for over thirty years, Mo is the past
president of the American Cichlid Association and maintains close to 3,000 gallons of freshwater
tropical fish tanks in his Pennsylvania home. His photographs and articles appear frequently in his blog,
“Today in the Fishroom” as well as publications including Tropical Fish Hobbyist, Amazonas, Redfish
and hobby magazines around the world. www.aquamojo.com