International Aroid Society Aroideana Available

vol26thIf you are interested in aroids then check out the International Aroid Societies publication.  Lots of great information from valued and well known sources.  Theres nothing comparable int eh world of aroids.
Aroideana is an illustrated annual devoted to information about the family Araceae and published by the International Aroid Society, Inc. There is a searchable index, online articles about Aroids, and back issues are offered for sale.

Albert Huntington tells us the new Aroideana electronic supplement ( Volume 38E, No. 1 ) is now online, and free to download. You can find the Aroideana supplements at by scrolling a bit down the page.

This latest supplement is almost 200 pages with color figures, and is a special edition, containing papers from the December 2013 International Aroid Conference in Vietnam.  Even if aroids arent your favorite plants it will be a great disservice to any plant lover to overlook this great publication.  You can also join the International Aroid Society and enjoy the extra benefits of membership.

You can find the International Aroid Society at WWW.AROID.ORG for more information.

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