Tanganika Magazyn no. 17 is available from the editor
The new issue of 104 pages contains several interesting articles on Lake Tanganyika cichlids and features around 230 pictures.
From the content:
Neolamprologus cylindricus is highlighted in a comprehensive article by Dr. Marta Mierzeńska. The latest data on the tribe Lamprologini is presented as well as the history of N. cylindricus. Almost 50 geographical variants of the species are presented with pictures from their natural habitat, including some new variants. The article also contains a detailed map over the southern Tanzanian shores of Lake Tanganyika showing all main localities (more than 250) with their official names and spelling.
The latest findings on the genus Tropheus are presented by Magnus Karlsson and Mikael Karlsson: Along a short section of the central Tanzanian coast of Lake Tanganyika two sympatric Tropheus species hybridise. More than 20 pictures of hybrid individuals, photographed in their natural habitat are published in this issue, as well as a comprehensive colour chart with drawings of 50 different Tropheus morphs that have been observed in the area of symparty.
More on Tropheus in an article about the endangered Tropheus moorii “Murago Tanzania” by Dr. Wolfgang Staeck. The author also gives an in-depth explanation on how to maintain and breed Tropheus in the aquarium. The article features 15 pictures from the natural habitat, including a picture of a colourful rare morph of this newly discovered Tropheus-variant.
Carsten Thorleif Stabel reports on a member of the “spiny eels” family (Mastacembelidae) from Lake Tanganyika, in an interesting article on his successful breeding of Mastacembelus ellipsifer. The article is accompanied by pictures showing different stages in the development of the brood, from eggs to miniature versions of adult eels, at the age of 4 months.
And much more…
Get your copy from the editor, Dr. Marta Mierzeńska at biurokrakow@tropheus.com.pl
Contributors of Tanganika Magazyn no. 17: Łukasz Brzeziński, Jacquiline Buckland, Michelle Buckland, Piotr Koba, Grzegors Zygmunt, Benoît Jonas, Magnus Karlsson, Mikael Karlsson, Dr. Magdalena Kwolek-Mirek, Dr. Anton Lamboj, Dr. Marta Mierzeńska, Robert Mierzeński, Michał J. Miłobędzki, Przemysław Mirek, Bogdan Piotrowski, Carsten Thorleif Stabel, Dr. Wolfgang Staeck.
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