Tanzania’s Nyamba Ya Mungu Reservoir Cichlids


Photos and article courtesy Hans van Heusden.

I was on my way to Nyamba Ya Mungu reservoir. This big man-made lake is located in the North of Tanzania. The reservoir is situated in the Pangani River Valley of the Masai Steppe.

Fisherman active at Nyamba Ya Mungu reservoir
Fisherman active at Nyamba Ya Mungu reservoir.

It was constructed for the purposes of irrigation, hydro-electric power and to start a local fishing industry.  I found here some rare cichlids that barely or never been seen in the hobby before.

Oreochromis esculentus introduced from Lake Victoria what his Type locality is.
Oreochromis esculentus introduced from Lake Victoria what his Type locality is.

Oreochromis esculentus is introduced in the reservoir and can grow up to 50 cm.

Coptodon rendalli also introduced in tanzania
Coptodon rendalli also introduced in Tanzania.

Coptodon rendalli is also introduced in the Pangani drainage.

Oreochromis Jipe male
Oreochromis Jipe male.

But what me most surprised was the beauty of Oreochromis Jipe how has his biggest concentration above the hydro dam up to in Lake Jipe what also his type locality is.

oreochromis jibe female
Oreochromis jibe female

Oreochromis jipe is a maternal mouthbrooder. I hope to show you more in the future of this fantastic species in my aquaria. For now enjoy.

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