Dividing Eriocaulon to Produce New Plants
by Bernd Marks
I have kept a variety of eriocaulon for a couple years. Erio’s are a marginalized aquarium plant and it should be more popular with hobbyists for many reasons. First of all, they are easy to keep and secondly they are rather easily multiplied by dividing a plant with multiple crowns. This is how I divided an Eriocaulon goias. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very mindful and there were 2-3 crowns formed so I only divided it into two.
Use a sharp knife and cut cleanly and straight through where you see the plant divided. The important thing is to divide the plants correctly. The leaves show a circular pattern for each plant. In between the new plants is where you need to cut.
If you don’t do this properly there is a good chance the plant will not become the full beauty of a single clean plant. Trim off the old and dark roots and back to the aquarium it goes.