Plant Growth Regulators Purpose for Plant Tissue Culture at Home

Plant growth regulators and their molecular weightPlant Growth Regulators Control Cells

Plant cells are omnipotent, they have the ability to create cells for leaves, roots, and other plant parts. By using plant growth regulators we can manipulate their growth into what cells we want to create. Plant growth regulators, or PGRs, influence plant cells directly to make them grow roots, shoots, or callus in our cultures. This is how we can force multiplication in plant tissue culture.


Cytokinins are the most important plant growth regulators used in tissue culture. Cytokinins are plant growth regulators that primarily create cell division. When I put my Cryptocoryne or Philodendron explants into multiplication I use BAP which is a cytokinin. When initiating many aroid species explant material I use cytokinins like BAP in initiation stage, also.


Auxins are another popular plant growth regulator. Auxins primarily contribute to better rooting.  This could save a lot of time in production. When replacing initiation material into multiplication phase a small amount of auxin can help start rooting while the plants are multiplying. The intent isn’t to make them root and multiply but to get them started rooting. They will transition straight from multiplication into the greenhouse (or plastic storage tote) much easier and faster..


Gibberellins are worth mentioning here also because GA3 has a place in your tissue culture toolkit. GA3 treatments are useful for seeds to break dormancy in some seeds. Seeds sometimes need a cold stratification, some need scarification, and others need to be heat stratified. GA3 can help artificially get the germination process started. It is a handy tool for many plants that need a long cold stratification period especially.

Plant Tissue Culture: A Home-Based Guide ) How to Practice Plant Tissue Culture on a Budget breaks down how to use plant growth regulators effectively. Learn how to measure plant growth regulators. Making 1mg/ml solutions is easily explained in this how to get started guide for home-based plant tissue culture.

Start Plant Tissue Culture at Home! You Can Do TC On a Budget!

Plant tissue culture is not hard to do. I have laid out the whole process step by step in a simple to explain manner in the book. I explain the math behind measuring micro mols and making useful solutions for plant tissue culture at home. Home tissue culture is easy and nearly any responsible person can do it successfully. Grab a copy of the book from Amazon and get started on the cheap.

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