Josh Richards sends us some fascinating pictures. These are some amazing plants and we would love to see some of these in cultivation for our terrariums and living rooms.
A very beautiful creek that had lots of frog life around it. I heard R. flavovittata calling here, but I couldn`t locate any as they seemed to be calling from very thick tree falls. I did however find a Ranitomeya egg in a bromeliad
Super nice broms in Tamshiyacu
Here are some scaling plants growing up the trunks of the trees.
More of the bromeliad. If you look closely you can see the Hypsiboas sp frog in the bromeliad.
Here is most likely gesneriad possibly codonanthe.
This frog was tiny! I am surprised I spotted it on this leaf.
I think it is Calathea. That particular species of Selaginella grows rampant here and gets pretty tall.
This might make a good terrarium plant possibly?
This is possibly some strange creeping fern?
I absolutely love these bromeliads!
Wouldn’t modeling this make a wonderful terrarium display?
This is an amazing plant!