Plant Tissue Culture: A Home-Based Guide (How to Practice Plant Tissue Culture on a Budget)Buy NOW! Learn how to practice DIY plant tissue culture at home on a budget.
More and more plant tissue cultured aquarium plants are coming available. They’re becoming affordable too and we can see them in many shops regularly now. Most plants already in tissue culture can easily be put into multiplication cultures so that you too can grow masses of plants easily. Replating cultures, putting them into new media, is an easy way to do plant tissue culture at home.
They even store well in a library-type collection in a suspended manner for months if stored properly. What’s keeping you from trying plant tissue culture? Here’s how plant tissue culture at home can be done with minimal specialty tools and gear and it’s all explained in the book Plant Tissue Culture: A Home-Based Guide (How to Practice Plant Tissue Culture on a Budget).
The sterile media in the cultures is the most important aspect of home plant tissue culture. Media that suits the purpose of each stage is put into a jar and sterilized in an autoclave.
The first step is to make your media to grow your plants in. Each plant has it’s own protocol and requirements for sterilizing, media, multiplication, and growing out.
Cells of a plant are totipotent, meaning that they can become a root, a leaf, or whatever external influences guide it. We can manipulate that with plant growth regulators.
Once the media has been sterilized and left to cool it is ready to use.
You will need some sort of clean hood to insert your plant material into sterilized vessels.
Everything must be sterile. Your hands, tools, plants, vessels, everything!
Putting plant material divided up from an existing culture is called replating. Replating your cultures is how you multiply in general. The plant tissue culture you obtained is simply divided up into a group of material and each one put into a new jar.
As an example let us assume that you just bought a TC tub of Cryptocoryne Pink Flamingo. This group can possibly be divided into 10 new vessels carefully and in about a month you will have ten new vessels of Crypto Pink Flamingo on their way to becoming 100 new vessels when divided.
In a month or two you have thriving cultures of tissue cultured plants. These can be taken out and grown or they can be divided and multiplied again.
Cultured plants are easy to ship and make for trading and building a plant library pretty easy. Large amounts of plants can be kept in a small space. Tissue cultured plants are free of snails and other pests and can be acclimated to emersed growth or aquarium growth rather readily. Once you get the hang of it you’ll be initiating your own cultures from new specimens.
Learn more about how to practice plant tissue culture in Plant Tissue Culture: A Home-Based Guide (How to Practice Plant Tissue Culture on a Budget) by ordering from Amazon either printed or ebook.